K-Physis Structural 2 - The Living Matrix & Emotions
(formerly Connectivology)
This class is not just a structural class, but also a deep emotional work.
In recent decades, the Connective Tissue, from a simple fabric of cohesion and protection, is gaining more and more importance. In fact, numerous scientists are devoting themselves to its study and are discovering its importance. Thanks to the great impulse given by Prof. Pishinger, from the Connective and Collagen we have passed to a much deeper level: that of the Extra Cellular Matrix and of the “Ground Regulation”. That is, all the mechanisms of self-regulation and maintenance of homeostasis take place at the level of this structure. Precisely for this reason, it was subsequently called the Living Matrix.
In the K-Physis Structural 2 course, this very modern topic will be addressed from a very ancient point of view: from that of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Although with different terminology, the concept of the Living Matrix was already treated hundreds of years ago by TCM with the concepts of Luo Meridians and Tendino-Muscular Meridians, Skin Areas and Zonal Points.
Much time will be dedicated to the study of the Tendino-Muscular Meridians, which in TCM are called the Muscle Meridians and this will allow us to discover new Muscle-Meridian relationships and to have new tools to balance the muscles. The Living Matrix is also where the body stores memories of physical and emotional traumas, records emotions of past experiences and deposits toxins. By releasing the Connective Tissue, our physical, emotional and energetic potentials will be freed from past blocks.
As we can talk about Psycho-Somatic disorders (that is, how emotional experiences affect physical aspects), we can also talk about Somato-Psychic aspects (how physical experiences can affect emotional aspects). By treating the Living Matrix, we’ll get rid of traumas and negative emotions using the Subconcious Trauma Release technique and the Hua Tuo points.
Working with the material that you will learn in this class:
You will be able to make profound improvements on the clients’ posture and movements, balancing the muscles using a different muscle-meridian-organ relationship then the Kinesiological one. You will be able to harmonize the entire Muscle Chains, Tendinomuscular Meridian and Fascia using all the TCM techniques including the use of Tuning Forks, Colored Lights and the Tie Shin.
You will also learn how to release old emotions and traumas recorded in the body tissues that can limit the body’s elasticity and flexibility. Often the body rigidity corresponds to a psychological rigidity, unlocking the body, you will also unlock the psychological aspects.