К-Физис Управление стрессом
(ранее Физиология стресса)
К-Физис Управление стрессом
Что такое стресс? Как именно наш организм реагирует на стресс? Сколько существует различных типов стресса? Данный семинар даст четкий ответ на все эти и многие другие вопросы. В кинезиологии и во многих других подходах стресс играет ключевую роль, и очень важно точно знать, как организм реагирует на различные стрессоры.
Каждая стадия стресса являет собой совершенно отличную от других группу физиологических реакций. Все зависит от каждого отдельного человека – индивидуальные неврологические, эндокринные, иммунные и эмоциональные реакции.
In the last decades Stress has started to be the predominant factor of any health imbalance. Cardio-vascular deceases and cancer, the two main causes of death in western countries, has a strong relationship with Stress. Every time people has not explainable symptoms, doctors (and complementary therapists) use to say “it’s because of Stress”. It’s seems that every things it’s because of stress, anxiety, sleeping disorders, panic attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal disorders, swinging moods, muscular tension and pain, bad digestion and dysbiosis, and so on. Someone talks about emotional and psychological stress, others about nutritional stress, or immune stress, then there is neurological stress, postural stress, environmental stress, etc.
But what is exactly Stress? How does the body react to Stress? How many different types of Stress do exists?
Описание курса К-Физис Управление стрессом
На этом семинаре вы узнаете, как проводить оценку и балансировку 3 различных стадий стресса; различать острый, эпизодический или хронический стресс; определять приоритетный дисбаланс нервной, эндокринной или иммунной системы; выделять актуальные эмоциональные аспекты и основные стрессоры.
This class will give a clear answer to all this questions and much more. In Kinesiology and in many others approaches, Stress has a key role, and it is fundamental to know exactly how the body reacts to the different stressors.
Each stage of Stress represents a completely different set of physiological reactions. It’s the terrain of the person, with specific neurological, endocrine, immune and emotional reactions.
With this class you will learn how to asses and balance the 3 different Stages of Stress, recognize if it’s an Acute, or Episodic or Chronic Stress; discern if there is a priority imbalance on the nervous system, endocrine system or immune system; identify the emotional aspects related and which is the main Stressor.
A lot of time will be dedicated to analyze the different physiological reactions (Neurological, Endocrine and Immune) to the 3 Stages of Stress, which are the best nutritional supplements for each stage, which is the best diet for each stage, which is the best emotional approach in each stage.
Like always, Marco will present you in a simple, but thorough way, the interactions, the connections, the influences that each of the main Physiological Systems involves with Stress has on the others, introducing you to a real integrated Psyco-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunological work.
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