K-Physis I Ching 2
(precedentemente I Ching 2)
In the K-Physis I Ching 2 Class we are going to see the many correlations that each Hexagram has.
Infect each or the 64 hexagrams are connected to a Muscle (that we can use to muscle test the hexagram) and to an Amino Acid.
We are going to see more ways an hexagram can evolve (Moving Lines and Nuclear hexagram).
We are going to dedicate a lot of timer to the Moving Lines, since we are going to see the meaning of each line of all the 64 hexagrams, for a total of 384 explanations.
We will study the relationship between the Constitutions and the I Ching, to identify the “Mission” of the person.
We will also study the Medical approach to the I Ching, where each hexagram correspond to an imbalance and we will study the symptoms and the set of acupressure points to use to balance it.